Health Care Investor Buys 33.4% of Lions Gate Shares 1 Week before the Release of Michael Moore’s SICKO
I got to see the movie, obviously. But maybe it would've been more difficult than a couple blocks' walk if I still lived in Duluth? Probably would've had to go to Minneapolis, or hope that some bright spark with bucks reclaimed the NorShor Theatre from its current incarnation as The Norshor Experience (maybe NSFW? It's pretty cold in Duluth) and showed a little Sicko for folks unable to drive two-three hours.
That theatre was pretty great. We saw Wellstone! there with free paper bags of popcorn. But I'm sure the Experience is just as stimulating in a variety of ways.
Yeah, but it'll still be out on DVD in the election year. The health insurance industry would be smart to try to get in front of some sort of universal coverage. If they don't, they're all doomed.