
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Back to the basics: another IBD webinar from CCFA

cc by flickr user jurvetson

Yeah, that's right. I'm mooning you.

I guess it's time I got back to posting about Ulcerative Colitis and its buddies. Today I listened to a podcast/webinar from CCFA that's about a month old, but still worth a listen:

Managing IBD: Taking charge of your disease

The above link takes you straight to the podcast link, but CCFA also kindly included a link to the presentation/webinar slides, which can be viewed here:

SLIDES - Managing IBD

It's a very good presentation, but I have to admit, I feel I'm getting a little long in the tooth for IBD management information after having lived with UC for almost ten years now. And it really was an IBD-for-beginners type of webinar, which isn't me. I have my meds pretty well straightened out, I see my doctor regularly, I try to eat healthily.* I've become acquainted with the needs and crankiness of my body on a far more intimate level than I ever planned on doing, and after almost ten years, I'm okay with that.

So with that in mind, almost all of the information was familiar or even old-hat to me; although it was gratifying to hear Dr. Regueiro mention that the IBD and gastro community are currently investigating parasites (aka hookworms, I take it?) and their viability as an IBD treatment. Which to some folks might be considered old news. He also very briefly touched on the smoking thing early on in the webinar, albeit briefly.

In a way, I'm kind of glad I'm a senior UC member, or whatever having it for ten years makes me. (Toilet Queen? La Conquistadora del colon? Super Pooper? Feel free to chime in.) I like having enough knowledge about something to be considered a mini-expert in...well, in my own mind. But I think I'll keep listening to these podcasts.You never know what might pop up, or what might replace my oh-so-abundant knowledge. This is what happened when I listened to the IBD & She podcast last April. It was an eye-opener, and one that made me feel more like a normal lady: not something that usually happens when I'm getting my UC knowledge on. I recommend both podcasts.

*Shut UP. I DO.

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