
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

More election day, and some nerdiness

Posted just about everywhere already, but I'll repost anyway:

Not listening or allowing for the possibility of sense in another opinion: an annoying trait of anyone regardless of their political views. I'm excited to vote today - hope you are, too. Get out there and do it!

In other (nerdy) news, I recently discovered that something Flabbergastingly Kick-Ass happened in Texas. Naturally, since I'm not very fond of Texas (it's 90 percent climate-based bias, folks, so before you get your panties in a twist and flame me with WHY DON'T YOU GO BACK TO WHEREVER YOU CAME FROM IF IT'S SO GREAT OR MAYBE JUST GO TO HELL INSTEAD, just remember: I will remove my negative influence from your sphere as soon as I can hightail it back up to snow and negative wind chills. Which I will then bitch about in turn. YES. *beats bullshit drum*) I was very cheered by this news. Look how cool the Texas Supreme Court is, guys: they cited SPOCK.

Star Trek Cited by Texas Supreme Court

I love how whoever authored the opinion could have just left it at "Dickensian" but no; they chose to go that extra Trek mile. Live long and prosper, your Honors.

In case you were interested, CBS pulled the full eps off Youtube. Jerks.

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